Proper market research demystifies your thought and perception of the outcome of your idea. Research also gives you facts ‘as is’ on the ground. It eliminates the clout of unrealistic super profits and competition. At Accmak, we help you develop an in-depth understanding of Market Growth Rates, Forecasted Demand, Competitors, and Potential Barriers to Entry.

Through this analysis, you understand your strengths, weaknesses, opportunity and threats

We also help NGOs with analysis of their target groups, training and findings that would help in the scope of their undertakings.



The Service helps you identify the following;

  • Fundamental Market Needs
  • Economic Considerations
  • Compliance that Requires Adherence (if applicable)
  • Offering Under Study Market Profitability
  • Market size (Current and Future)
  • Market Growth Rate
  • Buyer Demographics
  • Industry Cost Structure
  • Sourcing and Distribution channels
  • Market and Industry Trends
  • Key Players or Providers and their Market Shares and Revenues from the Market

Market research will be required when;

  1. When starting out for the first time.
  2. When changing your business’s location.
  3. When expanding into new locations.
  4. When expanding into new products or services.
  5. When about to increase the level of production.
  6. When about to launch marketing and advertising campaigns.

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